Friday, 2 August 2013


Question: What is the worst sex position?

This is almost the same as the topic of last week, except this is the worst not best.
Worst sex position? This depends on the type of person you are. To someone else, 69 would be the worst while to another its the best.
It depends on how far your sexual level is i.e. fetish, kinky, etc
When one is involved in sex, ones comfort and satisfaction level is a yard stick for knowing which is worst or best.
So if you want to know what your worst is, think of the type of sexual person you are, then think of how comfortable you were then finally, rate the satisfaction you got.
This is only one opinion, what's yours?

So the question for today:
1. What is your worst sex position and why?

1 comment:

  1. I seriously do nt have any worse sex position I love all D 10 positions I knw...H.M.A
